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Categories , Product ID: 21540

Gel 10-10-38 is a N.P.K. suspension fertilizer, suitable for all crops  and particularly for those which have high necessities in  potassium or for certain stages of some crops where high quantities of potassium are required. Gel 10-10-38 provides an additional source of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium during the growing season. The product is manufactured by utilizing quality raw materials to provide a very agronomically efficient source of N.P.K. The quality of the raw materials used to formulate Gel 10-10-38 maximizes plant nutrient solubility and plant availability.


Application – Dosages

General dosage:

Fertigation: 2- 4 lt / 1000m2

Foliar: 200-400 c.c. / 100 lt of water.

The total number of applications depends on the type of crop and plant needs.

Vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pepper, aubergine):

Fertigation: 1-3 lt / 1000m2 every 7-10 days after the first fruits have set.

Foliar: 100-300 c.c. / 100 lt of water every 7-10 days after the first fruits have set.

Watermelon – melon:

Fertigation: 2-3 lt / 1000m2 every 7-10 days after the first fruits have set.

Foliar: 200-300 c.c. / 100 lt of water every 7-10 days after the first fruits have set.

Tree cultivates – vines:

Fertigation: 2-4 lt / 1000m2 every 10-15 days after fruits have set.

Foliar: 200-400 c.c. / 100 lt of water, every 10-15 days after fruits have set.




This product can be combined with other agrochemicals.

In every case where the combination is unknown a small scale trial is
